700 Springfield Ave, Berkeley Heights, NJ | (908) 665-2424 | eqfloors@gmail.com
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This website, along with the business title, practices, trademarks, logos, and information, are the sole property of their owners and Eagle Quality Floors, Inc. By using this website you are adhereing to proper conduct of this website, as as such have agreed not to alter, change, or modify any of its contents without the expressed written consent of the owners.
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We thank you for your cooperation.
EQF team.
Privacy Policy
Eagle Quality Floors, Inc., as a rule, does not reveal any infromation about our affiliates, partners, customers, clients, or references publically without their prior notice. All information provided by EQF and our associates is kept strictly confidential. Any personal information posted to this website will be kept private.

Quality Materials, Affordable Prices, Friendly Service, Guaranteed!
Quality is our middle name.
Owned and Operated by Ed Pellicano
Store Hours
Tuesday - Friday: 10am to 4:30pm | Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday - Monday: CLOSED | Evenings by appointment